First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
City & County of Practice
City & County of Residence
Undergraduate Institution
Year of Graduation
Law School
Year of Law School Graduation
Bar Admission(s)-Include State(s) and Year(s) or Intended State(s)
Practice Area(s)/Intended Practice Area(s)
How many years have you practiced law?
I identify my gender as________ (If you prefer not to answer please state that in the box.) *
Ethnicity (If you prefer not to answer please state that in the box.) *
Are you a parent?
Prefer not to answer
First generation to attend law school?
Please describe your hobbies and general interests
What are some specific experiences or insight you want to share as a participant in this mentoring program?
What are some career experiences you wish to share with a potential mentee?
Do you have a plan to assess and achieve your expected goals for participating in this mentoring program?
What are the overall expectations you have from this mentoring program?
Suggested Discussion Topics (Check all that apply)
Interested in discussing topics related to business development and cultivating working business relationships
Interested in discussing topics related to a non-traditional legal career and trajectory
Interested in discussing topics related to gender and race bias in the legal community
Additional Considerations: I would prefer a mentee who...(Check all that apply)
Identifies as a woman
Identifies as a man
Identifies as LGBTQ+
Is ethnically diverse
Lives or works in the same city/county as I am
Is a parent
Is first generation to attend college/law school
No preference
I identify as... (Check all that apply)
African American
Native American
Pacific Islander
Prefer not to answer
As a mentor, I agree to commit designated hours per quarter to working with a mentee. I agree to permit the Diversity Committee of the NYSBA Business Law Section to use this information provided solely for the purpose of matching me with a mentee. *
I agree
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